Friday 18 April 2014

Happy Easter everyone!

The operation was a success. It lasted for four and a bit hours, but the surgeon mentioned he managed to remove everything that he could find. This also means that he had to take her left neck muscle, but he said that this would not have a major effect in the long run. Lots of neck exercise and physiotherapy over the next foreseeable future and all should be right again. There was one node that the surgeon could not reach, which was quite high up in the neck, but after an extensive discussion with the oncologist it was decided to leave that one in. After all this is over all that should be visible is a little dent in her neck and some scarring, but this should all be covered by her hair when that grows back.
She had a lot of pain after the operation (obviously), but she was able to come home on Thursday! That was a real surprise as we all thought that it would be at least Friday or even Saturday, considering the severety of the operation. But then again, Saskia would not be Saskia if she doesn't surprise us....

This weekend we are celebrating Easter. Yes we will have a few eggs, but this weekend we are reminded once again, that our Creator took our sins upon Himself so that we can live in his eternal grace. This weekend we are once again reminded that the world we live in is only temporary and that there is an eternal life hereafter (whether you believe that or not) and it is up to us to choose where to live in eternity.
Have a happy Easter everyone!

Monday 14 April 2014

A little anxious for tomorrow...

Saskia is a little anxious for tomorrow. She feels great, her platelets have been behaving with fluctuations between 55 and 72, she has had sleepovers and her school report was better than we could have hoped for. Tomorrow (15 April at 1 pm local time) she will have her operation with the aim to close that cancer door forever. 
Saskia is not afraid for the operation, she is just a little anxious for the period between being put to sleep and the moment she can walk out of that hospital again.
We ask you all to keep her in your prayers, for courage, for faith and for a painless and speedy recovery and that the cancer cannot return there ... ever ...