Thursday 21 June 2012

Are we there yet?

And now we are eagerly awaiting what the final outcome is. The last few weeks Saskia has been recovering from her last session. Yesterday she had another bloodtest which showed she needed a platelet transfusion. We also spoke with the oncologist about the way forward.
Next week monday Saskia will have a CT scan of her neck area, followed by an MIBG scan over Tuesday and Wednesday of next week. If all goes well we should have the all- clear on Thursday, whereafter she will be monitored/scanned once a month for an undefined period of time.
Today Saskia went finally back to school, but had to leave early as she complained about pain behind her eyes. She has this pain now for several days, but the doctor said that it was most likely a bug which was going around. However after the pain today, we were advised to bring her back in hospital for another blood test and some further eye examinations.
The bloodtest showed that her haemoglobin levels were quite low (yesterday as well, but not low enough for a transfusion) and so she had to have another transfusion today. Her eyes were tested as well and tomorrow she will have to see an eye specialist.

In Holland we have an expression "de laatste loodjes wegen het zwaarst", which freely translated means "the last weights weigh the heaviest" (I'm sure there is an English saying for this, but not sure which one). This is certainly the case here. Over the course of the next week, she will be every day in hospital either to be seen by a specialist or to run a test.

Let's all keep our prayers up that next week Thursday we hear the good news.


  1. Amen for the good news by Thursday.
    Always in our prayers!!!!!
    Luv You.... Nana

  2. We sincerely hope you receive the good news on Thursday. Enough is enough!! Thinking of you all, take care, love from Ard, Kori, Alfred, Charlotte and Emilia

  3. Praying for good news. You are in our thoughts

  4. In our prayers may God grant you all good news Thursday. Yours in Christ Dee and Patricia Jackson.

  5. Oh my goodness! Saskia! I can finally get in touch with you! I wouldn't blame you if you have forgotten me, but I will never forget your beautiful kind heart. My name is Shreya Naidoo, I went to Heathertonchristiancollege Christian College with you, I don't know what to say, as soon as I found out I was immediately in tears, you are an inspiration to me. For a girl of your age to go through such a journey as you are, is amazing. It's very hard without you. It's never been the same, right now, as I type, I am holding the three tech decks and the High School Musical board game you bought for me. I am soooooooo happy of your amazing recovery you have had, remember you will always be in all of our hearts, we pray for you everyday, thanking God of you and your amazing recovery!😄😄😄😄😄😄😄 Saskia, all I want to say is I love you soooooo much and I am very proud of you and your fantastic journey!
    Best of luck, love you lots, God bless,
    Shreya Naidoo 😄😄😄😄😄😘😘😘😘😘❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤💋💋💋💋💋💋

  6. Be brave, and believe in god, he will heal you for you are gifted!😄😄😄😄
