Monday 10 February 2014

Our Super Hero!

Definition of Courage: The quality of mind or spirit that enables a person to face difficulty, danger, pain, etc. without fear.

Saskia has shown us last week what an immeasurably courageous girl she is. She knew from past experience what her last week's treatment would be like. She was determined to not let that happen again. She did not want to remain in hospital and the only way to do that is to eat and drink, no matter how difficult it would be. And she did just that!
We are soooo proud of her. Even the doctors were amazed with what she did. To the extend that she was allowed home on Saturday morning. Feeling very tired and exhausted, but utterly contempt with herself that she did it.
She returned to school today, by the end of this week she will have a check-up. By the end of this month Saskia will undergo a range of tests (MIBG, CT and Bone Scan) to see what is left of her cancer. Thereafter there are two more chemo sessions, a stem cell treatment, one radiotherapy session (of 3 weeks), one operation and an undefined period of maintenance treatment.

We are absolutely certain that she was carried by all of your prayers and we thank God for giving her the strength and courage to face last week's evil. We are encouraged by all the well wishes, prayers, offers to help out and ask you to please continue doing so, especially now that we progress through the real hard part of her treatment.

1 comment:

  1. You friends (and family too, I'm sure) feel just blown away / overwhelmed when we read and hear the list of what Saskia and you all have been through, how she's been doing it, and what probably lies ahead. You're all super heroes, and we're here to cheer you on, pray, listen, encourage, and if it wasn't so dangerous right now, we'd arrange for some fireworks to honour you. Go Saskia!
