Tuesday 10 June 2014

A Little Scared

Earlier in the day we saw Dr. Petra Ritchie, her oncologist, who is very happy with her development. Even her bloods seem to be doing very well. She only need to watch her weight a little as she dropped around 1kg, but other than that nothing major. Thereafter we went to the RAH for her first session of radiation.
Today was the set-up and creating a background x-ray, so it all took a little longer. Saskia was a little nervous and anxious to the point she nearly had to vomit because of a strange smell in the hallway of the hospital. In the end the smell turned out to be the smell of soup.... When she new where this smell originated from, she felt much better and a little silly as well.

We went into the treatment room and saw this massive machine which could have been used in any science fiction movie.
Computer screens, cameras and digital bleeps everywhere. The radiologists were very friendly and helpful, which calmed Saskia down a little, but not too much. She had to lay down so that her pre-measured mask could be fitted and marked out correctly.
Saskia became a little claustrophobic and asked if some adjustments could be made to the mask, which was possible.
Then came the moment to say goodbye.

I was not allowed to stay with her, but I could watch her via the camera's and talk to her as well through a microphone. When I left her there my heart sank a little in my chest and it dropped a little further when I saw her on the screens. Imagine a very still body with a mask completely covering the face. The realisation that it was my own daughter laying there was a little harder to witness than I could have prepared for. But then I realised quickly that it would be much scarier for her, being all alone, than for me, so I grabbed the microphone and spoke to her. She later told me that she really was scared and nearly started to cry, but then she heard my voice and knew that everything was right.

First a couple of X-ray's were made and then the radiation started. There were about 5 or 6 sessions from different angles and each session lasted less than a minute. Saskia later described it as not painful at all, but more of a warm feeling, like someone putting their warm hands around her neck.

All-in-all not too bad. We have now some moisterising cream to keep her neck area moist and hydrated, as radiation treatment has a similar effect on the skin as being sunburnt, but for now that is all we have to worry about. This will now be a daily excersize for the next 2½ weeks, thereafter a variety of scans to see the results. If all is well,she should only have to have further maintenance treatment.  

1 comment:

  1. All your family and friends admire, respect and love you for the courage and style Saskia and you all are taking on this long story. Thanks for allowing us to share something of your doings here. Be assured of several daily prayers from each of many of us, plus lots of "hugs" and best wishes. Go the Adelaide Krolls!
