Wednesday 21 March 2012

Quick update

Just a quick update on how the operation went.
The doctors were very happy with the operation. It took about 3 hours and they managed to get everything out (at least all that they could see). She did not have to stay on the intensive care and went straight to the ward.
At this moment she still has a drain in her neck and once that can be removed, Saskia can come home. We are hopefull that this will be tomorrow.
Today Pyrene, her little sister kept her company (together with Melanie of course), while the boys were at school. Once again we are surrounded by the helping hands from our friends taking some of the burdens from our shoulders.
By the end of the week we hope to hear more about the further treatment (length and intensity).
Meanwhile, Saskia has some "pappa time" at the hospital. Those hospital guest beds are ever so comfortable.......

Saturday 17 March 2012

Date for Operation

The date for the second operation has been set for Tuesday 20 March in the early morning. We anticipate only one night in hospital, but we'll see how.
During the operation, she will have all kinds of tests done: the bone marrow test to see for any evidence of neuroblastoma and a kidney and heart scan to see the status of these organs in light of the coming chemo therapy.
Well not much more to say other than that she is in God's hands and that we will be praying for her.
Please continue to do the same.

Thursday 8 March 2012

Last week's results

Since the previous posts, Saskia has done a multitude of tests (full body CT scan, Bone scan and MIBG). For what these test are all about, please read through the earlier blogs.
The CT scan showed that there are no other lumps in the body.
The bone scan showed potential affected areas in her right heel, which was a bit of a scare. But the MIBG showed that there are only three spots which were positive for Neuroblastoma.
So yes it is confirned that the Neuroblastoma has developed and spread, but at this stage it only shows at three locations.
There are a couple of other tests still to be done, but those will be performed during the operation. Those tests will confirm the severity of the cancer and will determine what dosis and for how long the chemo treatment will have to go for.
Last Wednesday Saskia saw the surgeon who will operate on her and she was really happy to see him again (NOT). He had some positive news as well. As the tumors are lower in the neck, the operation is not as difficult as the previous one. I won't say it is all in a days' work for him, but he was quite relaxed in the way he explained the operation.
Anyway no date for the operation has been set other than "as soon as possible", but it is likely to be either Friday 16 March or otherwise Tuesday 20 March.
Please do keep her in her prayers.

The message of a stranger

Last week friday, Melanie and Saskia were on their way to the hospital for the bone scan. On the way they stopped to buy some food and snacks. When Melanie wanted to pay for the items, which totalled about $19,- she could not find her card to pay and stepped out of the line to search for it. As we all know, women's handbags contain a heap of treasure and it does take a while to search through all that (..).
While she was searching through her bag a total stranger came up to her and asked if there was a problem, to which Melanie answered that she was just looking for some money.
Without saying a further word, the man walked to the counter, awaited his turn and paid the full amount. When walking out of the shop, he briefly stopped near Melanie, placed his hand on her shoulder and said: "everything will be ok". Thereafter he left. Just like that.

Now you have to imagine the situation. There was no need for the man to pay anything, as Melanie was not holding up the line. The man only paid for what Melanie bought. He had nothing for himself. Then he did not say that "all was paid", he said that "everything will be ok".
This encounter made both Saskia and Melanie her day. Both were relatively cheerfull (remember that we just heard the bad news once again and our spirits were not overly high).

To hear something like this is like a message from above: "hang in there guys, I'm still in control".

Thursday 1 March 2012

It ain't over till it's over....

Saskia has been feeling fantastic and has happily started year 5 at St. Mark's.
Last week she had to go for one of her regular CT scans and nothing suspicious was to be expected. The results of the scan were to be discussed today, but last Monday night, she woke up with a pain in her left shoulder. She could not move her arm and there was a relative large lump on her shoulder.
So the following morning an appointment was made at the Brookman ward at the Women's and Children hospital, were she was told that it seems that the neuroblastoma is back....
Immediately a full body CT scan was organised for today.
After today's scan, we had a long discussion with the treating doctor and we saw for ourselves what had happened. Even though all the tests performed last year showed that there was no cancer in the rest of her body, there are now 3 spots that are very suspicious and are most likely neuroblastoma.
To cut a long story short: Saskia will have to undergo the whole range of tests once again, followed by potentially an operation, but now most certainly followed by chemo therapy.
Tomorrow she will go for her bone scan and they try to organise the MIBG scan for next week. Once they have all the test results in, a decision will be made regarding the doses of chemo and whether an operation is needed or not.
"Shall we accept good and not trouble?"