Thursday 8 March 2012

The message of a stranger

Last week friday, Melanie and Saskia were on their way to the hospital for the bone scan. On the way they stopped to buy some food and snacks. When Melanie wanted to pay for the items, which totalled about $19,- she could not find her card to pay and stepped out of the line to search for it. As we all know, women's handbags contain a heap of treasure and it does take a while to search through all that (..).
While she was searching through her bag a total stranger came up to her and asked if there was a problem, to which Melanie answered that she was just looking for some money.
Without saying a further word, the man walked to the counter, awaited his turn and paid the full amount. When walking out of the shop, he briefly stopped near Melanie, placed his hand on her shoulder and said: "everything will be ok". Thereafter he left. Just like that.

Now you have to imagine the situation. There was no need for the man to pay anything, as Melanie was not holding up the line. The man only paid for what Melanie bought. He had nothing for himself. Then he did not say that "all was paid", he said that "everything will be ok".
This encounter made both Saskia and Melanie her day. Both were relatively cheerfull (remember that we just heard the bad news once again and our spirits were not overly high).

To hear something like this is like a message from above: "hang in there guys, I'm still in control".


  1. Wonderful happening! Thank God for people like that!

    Makes me think of an angel or angels whom we are able to welcome in our homes without knowing it, according to Hebrews 13:2

    Love to Saskia, yours in Christ


  2. "Guardian angels are perhaps the most popular kind, probably because we all know how fragile life can be. We desperately need protection from unexpected circumstances and unseen dangers. Just the thought of good angels hovering around us gives people a feeling of safety!"
    God Bless the Stranger who came to our daughter's rescue......
    Mum & Dad
