Monday 1 October 2012


After the all-clear some 3 months ago, Saskia (and us) has managed to pick up her life again as if nothing has happened. She went back to school and all that reminded her of the past ordeal was her bald head.
Her school was really good and allowed her to sit in class with her beanie on. There were some kids who tried to take the beanie off, but a little show changed all that.
By shear coincidence the school had a request of CAMP QUALITY to perform a puppet show to explain what it is to live with cancer. At the end of the show, the organisers wanted to present an award to the school for hosting the event. Usually the award is given to the principal, but this time obviously Saskia was asked to come on stage.
Since the show and being so exposed to the rest of the school, she was treated with all the respect that little kids can display. Well done for the school and well done for Camp Quality!

At the end of this third term, her class performed a replay of the musical "Grease". Saskia played a big role and was soooo exited to participate. Melanie took care of the make up for all the girls. Finally her wig had a real purpose here...They all had a ball. It was great to Saskia and the rest of her class enjoy themselves so much. Once again, well done for ST MARK PRIMARY SCHOOL

Her hair is now getting a little bit longer so she doesn't even want to wear the beanie any more! A big surprise came a few weeks ago when the White Pages of Adelaide was delivered.
Our blog on 15 May "An amazing week" had a couple of very good uplifting moments for Saskia and one of them was the photo shoot with Chris McDermott.
Although we were told that one of the photo's would be used as the cover for the White Pages, it is something else that it actually happened. Chris McDermott is the founder of LITTLE HEROES, which is a foundation that supports children with cancer. The foundation is doing an amazing job, not only in raising money to support various projects, but also to just bring a bit of fun to these kids and their families.

Saskia had monthly check-ups with the doctor, but last week was the big one we have all been waiting for. Last Tuesday she had all kind of scans and blood tests to see how her body was healing and obviously to check if IT hasn't come back. And it hasn't! We are so grateful and thankful for this. We were all a bit worried as Saskia had those really big pains at the back of her neck, but that seemed to be her nerves growing back. So it is a good pain to have apparently....

If you have been reading our blog from the beginning, you would have noticed that on many photo's of Saskia, she was accompanied by Jaymee Blades. A month or so after Saskia got the all-clear, Jaymee's sister Ashley was diagnosed with cancer. The Blades family has been instrumental in providing support during our ordeal, Katie Blades set-up a support Facebook page FOLLOW SASKIA THROUGH HER TREATMENT and managed to regularly visit Saskia when she was in hospital. It has been surreal to hear that this family was handed the same ordeal as us. I ask you all to pray for Ashley and the Blades family in the same way you have prayed for us.

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