Sunday 17 November 2013

Stomach says "no...."

Wow. What a week. After Saskia came home on Monday 11 November, feeling very weak, she was re-admitted in hospital on Tuesday 12 November. The chemo had such a bad influence on her stomach, that she just couldn't keep anything in. Saskia tried her hardest, but nothing could stay down for much longer than 1 hour.
Her last real meal was on the wednesday before she started her chemo, so after 6 days of no food, you can imagine how weak she felt.
There was not a single drug, which could settle that stomach. On Friday 15 November (9 days without food), the doctors even mentioned that if this would continue for a few more days, she may have to be fed intravenously. But even that would have doubtful results as the food still has to go through the stomach.
But then suddenly, on Friday night after a small meal, she managed to keep it in and slept the whole night through. In the morning she took a little bid of breakfast and that stayed in as well! Fantastic news, so she was allowed home and although Saskia is still very weak as she lost about 3kg, she is home and relative healthy, but in real good fighting spirits.

Meanwhile, her supporters group is growing by the minute. There will be a family fun day at Mount Barker organised by our friend Krista Hodgson and owner of "Chilli Hair". She and her friend Alice Hilam have set up a fund raiser to go bald for Saskia and raise some money for a good cause. Check out their Facebook page "Chilli Hair shave for Saskia". My ex-colleague and friend Ard van der Heide ran with his family 10km for Saskia in Singapore during the "Run for Hope 2013" event. There are many others, friends, family and total strangers who help out in our daily lives as well as the start of our restaurant.
Seeing all these people work hard for Saskia is a humbling experience and certainly encourages Saskia to continue her fight in great confidence. She has to be back in hospital next Thursday for a check up and then it should be another week or so before the next round of chemo.

1 comment:

  1. Good to read about Saskia's suddenly managing to keep the food in. But without denying the wisdom and knowledge of medical science, did you try the medicine of 1 chapter of the gospels a day? God bless & stay in a good spirit, Ruurd-Jan
