Tuesday 12 November 2013

Third Chemo Session Done!

Although the exclamation mark behind the title is meant to visualise some sort of celebration, it also means that this one was a tough one.
Luckily, Saskia had a few more days to enjoy her relative health as the PET scan could only be done last Wednesday, while her chemo was suppose to start again on Monday 4 November. However, in order to get a reliable PET scan, it can only be done when the body is not under the influence of any chemo. So her chemo was delayed with three days, which meant that she could go to school and have an "all girls out evening".
On Tuesday she went with Melanie, her Nana and two very good friend to the movies. It is great to see Saskia in such good spirits, she is so comfortable with her baldness, that even in full view of everybody in the restaurant, she just takes her hoodie off and totally looks relaxed.

She also has a good doses of self humour. The day after Halloween, she woke up, took a "selfie" and posted this on instagram "waking up with a bad hair day....". Her attitude has changed so much over the last couple of weeks and she takes this journey in comfort.
Not that there are no times of discomfort, but she is comfortable with the fight if that makes sense.

Last Thursday she went in for her third chemo session. This time she had to be admitted to hospital, as the drugs she was to receive had to be flushed out on a continuous basis. This drug was quite a nasty one and made her feel really sick from the moment she received it. Although we were allowed to go home late Monday afternoon, she is still very weak and can hardly eat or drink anything. We hope and pray that she will be able to get something in her stomach soon, otherwise we will end up in hospital within the next couple of days.
The hospital visits for chemo treatment seem to be the wrong way around: you get in when you are in relative good health and get out feeling really, really sick.
Please keep carrying her in your prayers.

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