Friday 30 December 2011

The journey is over!

Well that's it. This weeks' scan showed that more than 80% has been removed and that the rest will just be monitored over the next 10 years or so. Saskia will have to go for regular check-ups once every 3 months, but that's nothing compared to what we were told initially.
Just over 6 weeks ago we got news that no parent want to receive and six weeks later we got the all clear. We still cannot grasp the magnitude of what actually happened but we thank our God that he provided us with the strength that we needed. Remember the poem "footprints in the sand"? He certainly carried us through these difficult times.

We thank you all so much for all of your support, your prayers, your hugs, your cards, your well wishes, your shoulders and just your "you". It is fantastic to see and feel that we were not alone in our struggle. Our blogs have been viewed well in excess of 2300 times from 17 countries all across the world, this in itself is truly amazing. We received well wishes from total strangers. We just cannot start to describe what this has meant for us.
We will post one more blog somewhere in the new year to try to put to words what pulled us through, so watch this space, but for now we wish you all a blessed 2012!!!


  1. That's absolutely fantastic news.! What a wonderful christmas present and new years gift!
    I have been privileged to follow her journey and her strength has humbled me.
    My love and best wishes and may 2012 be the best it can be for your whole family
    Jules McMahon

  2. It was definately a crazy time. Cant believe it was only 6 weeks feels so much longer. I thank God it turned out the way it did, you were all so strong through it all and im sooo happy for you all and proud of poor saskia with all that she put up with. Love to you all and good times ahead in 2012. Love the Karayiannis.

  3. That's fabulous!! Wishing your beautiful family a fantastic 2012. Love the O'Keefes xx

  4. Thank God. What a great relieve and a welcome start of the new year! Good health Saskia & lots of fun with friends and family. Yours in Christ, Ruurd

  5. That is such wonderful news. I wish your family a wonderful 2012 full of smiles.

    Steve Phillips

  6. We join in your celebration and your thanks to God. What a great way to start a new year. God is good, also when our prayers are not answered the way we'd like! Lets often remember those who struggle long-term with their own or a dear one's issues.
    Yours in Jesus'family and service - Helen & Fred

  7. once ap[on a time a girl called saskia was very lucky..... you really reaplaced hannah loving caring and the same all random call class of 2011 reamber the rendom class thank you for for speanding a nice year with me and i'm soure ALL the teachers injoyed it to Iwith you and the resed of your family and happy new year and a few weeek back a happy christma santa had to come to you house with love well georgia and studens and more of year 4s georgia
