Saturday 17 December 2011

What a week!

After the operation, Saskia stayed for 1 day on intensive care, after which she was transferred to the normal day ward. She remained in a bit of pain, but that was to be expected. There was still a drain in her neck and doctors said that as soon as that one could be removed, she should be able to go home.
The doctor who assesses the follow on treatment after the operation came on Tuesday morning. She indicated that she was very happy with the result and the likelihood of need for chemo therapy has been reduced to nearly zero!!!
In order to confirm this result, Saskia will have to undergo one more test (a CT scan), which will be done on Wednesday 28th December. On Thursday 29th December we should know the outcome.
That same day (Tuesday) the drain was removed and she was ready to go home. Saskia remained having some pain and a sore neck, but as the week progressed all that faded away. Most likely as well because Saskia now understands that her journey with cancer is nearly over.
We will continue to update this blog until the final results on 29th December, but it seems that all the prayers has worked and her journey was a remarkable short one with a very happy ending.


  1. Praise the Lord!!!!!Amen !!!!!!!

  2. Sorry to hear of all her agony, pain and suffering, but there is a light at the end of the tunnel. We'll keep on praying. For now The family de Valk says: Have a blessed X-mas and enjoy every minute of it. All our love.

  3. Thank God. Have a good week Saskia!

  4. hoi Saskia! Ik schrok heel erg van het vervelende nieuws! Gellukig gaat het nu wel weer wat beter! Veel sterkte en ik hoop dat iedereen je steunt (ik ook natuurlijk).

    groetjes uit nederland (heeeeeeeeeeeeeeel verweg) Fenna

    PS: I hope you can read the letter!
