Monday 9 April 2012

The first Chemo

It is not easy to anticipate what chemo therapy is doing to your body. People can say that you can feel sick, but they cannot really prepare you for the real deal.
Last Thursday Saskia got her PICC line, which was a bit of an experience. It was a bit like a scene from a science fiction movie. They brought this thin tube into Saskia's left upper arm and you could see on a screen how it went. Even Saskia thought it was awesome!
Thereafter a long wait before she actually got the chemo. During the administering, it was a bit boring according to Saskia. She couldn't feel a thing. But after this on the way home, she was exhausted and went straight to bed.
On Friday just before we reached church, she was very nausea and had to vomit. This remained like that for the rest of the day. poor girl, she was sooo sick, couldn't keep anything in her stomach. But no matter how sick she felt, she was determined to get her hair dyed pink. Our neighbour who is a hairdresser offered to dye Saskia's hair and she thought something like: "if I'm gonna loose it, I might as well do something crazy with it!"

During the whole process, she had to empty her stomach once or twice, but she did it!
And the result is fantastic. She looks stunningly awesome (even next to he mum, who usually takes all the credits...)

Straight after she was "pretty in pink", we went to the hospital for the second lot of chemo. Upon arrival, the nurses saw straight away that Saskia was not ok and advised that she had to stay the night in hospital. Not what we wanted, but certainly not unexpected. 
On Saturday, she felt much better, but also more tired. After the third lot of chemo, we could go home.
As a parent it is very difficult to see one of our kids go through soo much pain and trouble. You want to protect your child from everything that is bad in this world and you can arm yourself and your child against a lot of stuff. But you cannot prepare nor arm yourself against this. You feel so helpless and all you can do is take her in your arms and tell her that everything will be ok. No matter what people say about cancer, it is certainly humbling.


  1. Our darling Saskia ,you r such a Brave girl!!!
    Lord hold her tight every night,hold her tight when she cry,hold her tight in your Light n keep her safe.We must keep our Faith strong.
    Lord we put it in Your Hands.
    Big Hug n thinking of you..Grandpa&Nana

  2. Saskia and family.
    I have heard about your courageous fight with this terrible illness from my mum, Joke Hoogenhout. We will pray for you from a very cold Tasmania.
    I love your pink hair!
    Elly de Jong

  3. love the hair saskia, whish i hsd some to dye.. sorry to hear that you didn't feel great after first few sessions of chemo! i know how you feel, just remember it does get better,
    Doesn't feel like that at the mo, but it does.. x here for you when ever you need. x
