Tuesday 3 April 2012

The Real Deal

Alright then, the second operation was a success. All tumours were removed and around 18 glands of which 8 tested positive for Neuroblastoma. So the theory is that when part or most of the original active tumour was removed, this acted as a catalyst for tiny particles which had spread through the lymph system. These particles are so small that it could not be detected by all the tests which were performed.
So now that it has proven that Saskia's cancer is actually spreading throughout her body (although slow) it has been decided that she will have to go through 4 sessions of chemo therapy.
Tomorrow she will have a heart, kidney and hearing test done to do some baseline testing. These are the most likely areas which may get an adverse reaction to the chemo. (We did inform the doctor that Saskia has a selective hearing, so the hearing test might fail....)

On Thursday she will get a PICC in her arm. When I asked what PICC stands for, even the doctor had difficulty pronouncing it, so I will not even try to spell it. It is effectively a very thin flexible tube, which will be brought around 15cm into her upper arm into one of the larger veins. This will be her "port" for the administering of the drugs and she will keep this in her arm until all the treatment is over.
The first treatment session will start on Thursday, straight after she receives the port. She will get two different types of chemo. On Friday she will receive a second dose of one of the drugs and on Saturday the third dose. Saskia does not have to stay in hospital during these three days and can come home every night.
The second treatment session will be around three weeks after the first and so forth until four sessions have been completed.
One of the confirmed side effects of this treatment is the depletion of bone marrow. As the bone marrow is the blood-factory in the body, the follow-on treatments can only commence when the bone marrow functions normal again and makes sufficent levels of red/white blood cells. Usually the bone marrow is at its weakest 7-10 days after the chemo session. In order to speed up the recovery of bone marrow, Saskia need to get a special injection 24 hours after each session. So for the first session this will be Sunday.

Throughout all this period, Saskia has been very strong. She understands everything that is happening to her and is not afraid for the journey. The only time when she gets a bit down is when she realises she will lose her hair (this may happen within 3 weeks of the first session). But to compensate for all that, we gave her a little fur ball...

Easter has been a message of hope and salvation throughout the ages. The Christian symbol is a cross. And this cross is our strength and we pray that it is or becomes yours as well.


  1. We pray for our precious Saskia n all those undertaking "chemo.” the use of medicines or drugs to treat the disease, that the Lord will work out His perfect will in your situation and bring about healing. We ask that The Great Physician will heal all those that have undergone surgery and radiation therapy and that the fire of God will destroy all the cancer cells. We ask that the healing virtue of Our Lord God will flow through every vein, tissue, cell, ligament and that healing will manifest. We believe that Gods desire is manifest in your life. His desire is written in 3 John 2 “Dear friend, I pray that you may enjoy good health and that all may go well with you, even as your soul is getting along”. We speak peace to all the families having cancer patients.We are in agreement with Gods word in Jeremiah 30:17 “ But I will restore you to health and heal your wounds declares the LORD.” So be it, in Jesus Name...AMEN

    We Love You...Grampa & Nana
    ps You've got such a cute kitty cat

  2. amen, in His stripes we are healed

    God bless,

