Thursday 29 August 2013

Here we go again

Yesterday we (Melanie and I) met with Saskia's oncologist, who confirmed what we allready knew but did not want to accept. The lump in her neck is considered to be a recurrance of the neuroblastoma.
During a meeting last Tuesday night with other oncologists and surgeons, the general consensus was that it is highly unlikely that it is anything else but neuroblastoma and everybody was of the opinion that it is best to be removed now and not wait for the results of a biopsy. In case a biopsy would show that it is something else, it still has to be removed, so better to take the lot out now.
Next week wednesday we will meet with the surgeon (same one who performed the previous two operations) and we will then know more about a date for the operation. The operation will be definately after a full body MIBG scan, which will be on Tuesday 10 and Wednesday 11 September.

This means that Saskia can still perform in her finals for callisthenics on Sunday 8 September...YEAH!!

After she was cleared last year, her body had to recover from the poison it received. She was very stiff and could not realy participate in any sports.
She found this type of gymnastics march/dance which she really enjoyed (and still does) and managed to train her body back into a pre-teen aged shape and form. She felt absolutely great and when we saw her perform not too long ago in the Royalty Theatre in Adelaide, Melanie and I had to wipe a tear away as both of us had flash backs of a year ago. We were soooo proud of her.
On Sunday 8 September will be the season finals and she has been training very hard to get there.

After the operation, Saskia will have to undergo once again chemo treatment. The number of sessions is still to be determined, but this will be anywhere between 2 and 6.

We slowly come to grip with the situation. Obviously we were all angry and had and still have many questions. But we have learned throughout the last trials not to ask too many questions as there are not too many answers. More research is needed to find the "kill-switch" so to speak.

Reading back through our blog brings us some comfort. We have gone through this before with the support of our church, school(s) and employer, our family, amazing friends and our faith, so we know that we can do this once again. Although we have no say in what cards we are being dealt in this life, all we can do is accept it and have faith that God is still in control, no matter what the outcome.


  1. Continuing my prayers for u all, and leaving you in our loving God's hands, May God's strength be upon you xx

  2. I feel sorry for you, but amen, God is still in control. Jesus blood was shed for all of us. Ruurd-Jan

  3. Kick butt Saskia - both for the finals and the time and hugs Lyn xxx

  4. Sikkel & Melanie,
    Wish you all strength the coming period and hope Saskia will pass all finals, operation and tests.
    Peter and Marian Boere
