Thursday 5 September 2013

Can I have blue hair this time?

Yesterday we met with Dr. Michael Switajewski, the surgeon who will operate on Saskia's neck. He did it twice before with remarkable limited visable scarring remaining. He explained that although the procedure is relative standard and that he has performed these type of operations many times before, he cannot go back into the same area indefinately without the change of real lasting damage.
Both the oncologist(s) and he are of the opinion that this should be the last time. In order to ensure that he does not have to go back in again, he will remove all of the remaining glands. There are 5 areas on either side of the neck with glands and he will clean out 4 of those areas. The fifth area (or actually the first) is nearby the chin and is not considered critical to be removed.
With this complete clearing out, the oncologist hopes that, by removing the complete area where it seems to be starting, the cancer will not return. Lets hope and pray that by removing the "factory" and the surrounding area, this battle will be won.
Next week Saskia will have a complete body scan (MIBG), which should show if there are any other further areas affected and on 17 September she will have her operation.
Saskia is slowly getting anxious about the whole process. She understands that after surgery, she will have to go through chemo once again. Even though she doesn't like her curly hair, she hates to loose them again. But she remains in remarkable good spirits. She keeps finding stuff to look forward to. He very first reaction after we heard three weeks ago that IT is back was so typical for her. Her very first words were:

"poop....can I have blue hair this time?"

And yes she can!


  1. Our loving and caring thoughts are with you. We hope all goes well and that she gets well real soon. xxx

  2. Dear Saskia, you are such a positive spirit. I'll hope and pray that this is indeed the last time you have to undergo all these nasty treatments. Please post a nice photo of you with your BLUE hair. Love you and your lovely family.Hugs and kisses xxxx Wijnie de Valk

  3. Saskia, if you get blue hair make sure you get your Dad to copy you, would love to see that, better still get him to colour his face blue and wear a white cap :) Keep up the good fight kid, my mob are barracking for you. Richard Shipton (from Maritime)

  4. Dear Saskia, sorry to hear you have to go through chemo again. But I trust the Lord Jesus that He will do everything He can for you. And by the way, even blue hair will make you look good. God bless, Ruurd-Jan
