Saturday 14 September 2013

Blue is Good!

As promissed, this time Saskia could get her hair blue. We all thought it was a good idea to do it now as soon as possible as last time (see our post of 9 April 2012, "The first Chemo"), she could only enjoy it for a couple of weeks.

So yesterday was the big day. Saskia was soooo excited and could hardly wait to get it done.
Her smile has not many times been any bigger than this. The before, during and after shots clearly show that she had some real fun doing this and more so this time as she managed to convince her dad to follow suit....

Today Saskia will spend most of the day at the Royal Adelaide show, where at the end of the day her little brother Arjen will play a showgame of soccer with his Hahndorf team.

Tomorrow Saskia will have a little performance with her school class in St. Marks's Lutheren Church. Not everybody there knows that she has already blue hair, but we are sure that when they see the father, they will instantly know it is her natural colour.....

Next week will be a very big week for Saskia, with daily trips to the hospital. Monday she will have an another test (MRI) followed by a bone marrow biopsy on Tuesday. This will be a day-surgery operation. During this biopsy they will also take stems cells as spare during the treatment. The drugs to be administered this time will be more aggressive to the bonemarrow and the best bone marrow you can get is usually your own.
Then on wednesday she will most likely get a port. Last time she go a PICC line, but that gave her all sorts of trouble, so the advice is this time to go with a port. This should make her life a little easier as she can even swim with that. This procedure is usually an over-night stay. On Thursday she will then get her first dose of chemo.

Once again we thank God for having us blessed with wonderful friends. It is great to have a laugh, wipe a tear, grab a shoulder, share a drink and just be ourselves with people who understand what we need.

Please do keep praying for Saskia and the rest of us (grandpa "G", Nana, Melanie, Sikko, Shaun, Marcel, Arjen and Pyrene) when we all start the next part of Saskia's journey.


  1. So sorry to read you're back at Square 1, but hey, love your pluck, faith and attitude! You are in our thoughts and prayers a lot. God knows and helps, next week too.

  2. Hope that all goes well with the many procedures this week! Wonderful to see the smiles & blue is indeed beautiful - you are in our thoughts and prayers. Rihet

  3. Hi Guys. You are all in my thoughts and prayers and I am sending all the positive vibes I can muster your way. You are an amazingly strong family and that will really make a huge difference to everything. Saskia looks gorgeous! Lots of love, Anne Coad
