Friday 13 September 2013

Back to square one

On Wednesday Saskia had her MIBG scan of which we discussed the results with the oncologist today. There was not a lot of good news.
The lump in her neck was confirmed to be neuroblastoma. This was not new news, as we all knew that this was most likely not some sort of virus.
The operation of two years ago left a little bid of tumor behind, which was killed off during the chemo sessions. However, this little bid has now signs of life once again.
But the most disturbing message was that the neuroblastoma has now also spread to her bones. On the MIBG scan it showed that her second verterbra from the top (C2) is now neuroblastoma positive. This means that the scheduled operation of next week is cancelled, as it would not make sense to remove one lump and leave another effected area.
Saskia will have to undergo some further tests next week to determine a baseline for further monitoring. She will also receive a "port" through which her chemo will be administered and as of Thursday next week Saskia will start with intensive chemotherapy for at least 7 month, followed by "maintenance" chemo for another 4 month.

We are basically back at square one and there are no words to describe how we feel at the moment. All we can rely on is the words of Job who answered his wife: "Shall we accept good from God and not trouble?".

Please keep Saskia and us in your prayers.


  1. Sorry to hear the bad news, but thank God for chemo and a plan to kill the cancer. Jesus is still the same and was beaten als for Saskia's health. You are for sure in my prayers. God bless, Ruurd-Jan

  2. I will certainly pray for Saskia and all of your family. I believe in miracles and that is what I am praying for. Debbie a friend of Bridie x

  3. Not good news at all. Thinking of you in this very difficult time. May God be your guide and give you all the strength and peace that you need. Rihet
