Monday 30 September 2013

On our way again..

After the surgery to give Saskia a port, she was allowed home for one night before the chemo sessions started once again. Friday 20 September was the due date. Saskia was admitted once again at the Michael Rice ward in the Women's and Children hospital for 4 nights. The treatment had its usual effects and Saskia felt in general very miserable and sick, couldn't eat much and became very weak.
The hospital is great at trying to keep the patients entertained and Melanie has decorated her room in the hospital with all kinds of 1D memorabilia to brighten her days. But the best gift of all was an anonymous person/group who managed to give her two tickets for the live concert of her favourite band! The concert was on Wednesday 25 September, which was the day after her last treatment session, so it was a bit doubtful if she could go. She came home on Tuesday 24 September feeling very weak, but she was determined to go to the concert. So on the wednesday, Melanie and I dropped both Saskia and Marcel off. Marcel was in charge of looking after her during the concert and he did an amazing job! Although they left around half an hour early, they both had an amazing time and something for Saskia to remember.

Another great moment came on Thursday. Friends of us had put some money together to buy her a little miniature pony. Miniature is a bit of an over-statement as she is approximately a meter high, but sure smaller than the "regular" ones. When we picked him up last Thursday, she could not believe her eyes. She put her hands to her head, in front of her mouth and could not say one word. This is one of the only times we have seen her speechless....The pony came with the name "Little Sebastian" and Saskia thought that was a great name for a little horse! It is an amazingly friendly animal and loves the attention it gets from all of the family as well as from Gemma our Golden Retriever.

Meanwhile Saskia has slowly regained a little bit of strength and started to eat again, but developed a fever early this morning. Melanie is currently with her in hospital where Saskia is undergoing many tests to determine what this fever is caused by. Due to the chemo treatment, her immune system is very low and it may take a while to recover.


  1. I read this piece of wisdom this morning and would like to share it with you: "You need not be afraid of where you're going when you know God's going with you." You are in our prayers. XXX

  2. Good to hear how you are doing. I pray for strength and 100% recovery; the blood of Jesus is still testifying in heaven and on the earth. Nice gift this pony. I saw the 1D movie; was fun indeed. Keep faith Saskia. Hope to see you all at Christmas. Ruurd-Jan

  3. Praying for you always love godma!

  4. Our family is also praying for your angel. We were wondering if you have been in touch with Camp Quality and their support teams yet? We loved seeing all the blur hair in church last week.
    My wife had an Astrocytoma of the Cerebellum (in her brain) when she was 15 (2 surgeries & radiotherapy) and although not quite the same experience, she said is happy to talk if you want to cry with/pray with/chat with or whatever.

    God Bless
