Wednesday 16 November 2011

Knock Out

On 14 November 2011, we received news that no parent ever want to receive: Our daughter Saskia has been diagnosed with neuroblastoma cancer and will need extensive chemotherapy over the next year.
The immediate reaction is as usual a question: WHY? Why her? Why an innocent 9 year young girl? Why us? Why now?
Even as Christians we struggle with these questions and understandably so. But there is basically a very simple answer: Why not? Cancer does not distinguish between good or bad, young or old and it is not ethnically biased. It is as a matter of fact a very fair disease as it does not discriminate. 
Saskia will face an immeasurable challenge but she will not have to do that alone. We are certain that with our support and that of her family and friends, she will be able to walk this journey in comfort and in faith.
We have started this blog for her, for ourselves, our family and friends and for others in similar situations, to express our thoughts, feelings and actions in order to provide support and comfort during these times of trials.
We will try to provide regular updates of the procedures and treatments. Whenever possible, Saskia and her older brother Marcel will provide their thoughts and experience.
We encourage all who read this blog to post a comment or share their own experience in their journey with cancer.


  1. My dearest little sister, I'm sorry I can't be there to comfort you during this difficult time. I hope you catch the kisses I'm blowing, and feel my hugs from where you are. Hope to hop on a plane and go see you again soon :) You'll always be in my prayers. Be strong little one, get well soon.

    love, Angel

  2. Dearest Saskia / Melanie / Sikko

    It was painful and shocking when we got the news. Like you, it was really hard for all us to accept it. You are not and will not, be alone in this we can assure you. Remain strong in your faith and prayers no matter the pain. In our own way, we will offer our daily prayers for the good lord to hold, comfort and take away the pain and that, you have a full n speedy recovery.

    Hugs n Kisses

  3. Thinking of you all, sending loads of hugs your way

    Bridie and family

  4. To such a beautiful strong family, we love you so much Saskia. We have struggled to deal with the fact. However we will remain strong and positive because your such a strong little girl. Please please remember we are here for you and your family.
    Jaymee is hurting alot at the moment, but she is and always will remain your best friend, she loves you alot Saskia.
    Please know your are in our prayers every day.

    Love you guys alot xox

  5. Dear Jesus,
    Your word says that when two or more are gathered together in your name, asking anything,
    That whatever they ask will be done for them, by the Father in heaven.
    We therefore come together and ask in your name,
    For your healing touch on this little child and all the other children who suffer,
    Remove this sickness from them in the name of Jesus.
    Father, it is written that if we believe, that we shall drink poison and it will not harm us,
    We pray therefore that the poison of Chemotherapy will not harm this little child,
    We thank you Father that you have heard our prayers and your healing will be complete.

  6. Dearest Saskia,

    You are a real beauty. You will be in our thoughts and prayers. Please take care and get better soon.

    Lots of Love, Hugs & Kisses:
    Uncle Joshua, Aunty Neetu, Joseph & Ezekiel

  7. to Saskia
    sending you hugs and wishes. the whole class is missing you and are thinking of you and your family. cant what to see your smiling face at school soon. love georgia XX :-)

  8. Dear Saskia,
    I just want to let you know that you are in our prayers. Your Tyndale Family are praying for you daily.
    Mrs Amanda Tilley

  9. To Saskia & family, you are all in our thoughts and hearts, wishing you strength at this time, from Mark, Sarah, Ryan, Lee & especially Siobhan who was very disturbed to hear of your plight, be strong little girl, there is a lot of people praying for you! xxxx

  10. Dear Sikko&Mel,

    Cancer can never be a knock-out to those who believe in prayer and has the immense love from family and friends.

    Dear Saskia,

    You've grown up to be such a beautiful little girl. We are all praying for you. Remember that Jesus made a promise to each and everyone of us that he will walk with us always.

    Love Godpa and Aunty Joyce

  11. Dear saskia i hope u get better at tyndale christian school u r in everyones prays hope u get better
