Saturday 19 November 2011

Some encouraging news

Today Saskia felt much better and was allowed to go home. There is most likely an infection in or around the tumor, which should be able to be treated with antibiotics. Her neck is still very stiff and she keeps her head under a slight angle, but at least she is home!
Usually neuroblastoma develops in little children under the age of 5. When older children  (for example Saskia's age) are diagnosed with neuroblastoma, the cancer has usually developed when they were under 5 but remained undetected for a number of years. During these "silent years", the cancer could have spread throughout the body.
At this moment it looks like the cancer has not spread and it is only this localised tumour in her neck.
That the cancer is not spread within a 9-year old girl is extremely rare and a true Gods' miracle. It means that the chemo therapy does not have to be as extensive as earlier anticipated. However there is still one very important fact to be known and that is the so-called "n-myc amplification". The rate of amplification is an indication as to what extend the chemo needs to be given. We will know by Tuesday next week to what extend the tumour is amplified.
Please join us in our prayers that there is no amplification and that Saskia may avoid chemo at all!


  1. Wow that is great news!! God is truly at work! We'll keep praying and sending love your way!!
    Mine n Ian

  2. Dear Goddaughter Saskia, God is great!!! im soooo happy that things are looking up! my prayers will go on for you each day. I know God is answering my prayers! to my BRAVEHEART Saskia! love Elijah Mikayla, Jason, Godma and family in the U.S!

  3. AMEN to that ... Thank You Lord!!!
    Lub Nana

  4. Hey Saskia,

    It's great to have you back at home!
    We have all offered up a prayer for you and everyone at home.
    This is indeed fantastic news!
    Be that sunshine to all of us.
    Stay strong..... = )

    Lots of love, hugs and kisses....
    Godpa, Aunty Joyce and cousin Ashley

  5. Hey Saskia,

    I just want to add in something here....
    We all take our daily loves for granted sometimes...
    The beautiful thing about Jesus is that he pokes us lightly on our shoulder to remind us that he is the all powerful and miracles happen all around us every single day!

    Thank you for reminding us that Jesus loves us and he will NEVER abandon us.

    = )

    Lots of love, hugs and kisses... Godpa, Aunty Joyce and cousin Ashley

  6. Dear Saskia, Everyone is missing you at school especially 4SM. I hope you recover well enough to come back to school really soon. From Connor.

  7. Hi Saskia,

    I am really missing you and hope your feeling heaps better soon. I hope you can come to school soon.

    From Jessica

  8. Hi Saskia,
    so glad to get this website address and the good news. And we are very happy you were able to go home again. We think of you and your wonderful family a lot and pray for you every day. It sounds like your doctors are doing very good work and that God is looking after you in a special way.
    From Helen and Fred Vanderbom

  9. The Samardzic family20 November 2011 at 16:20

    Hi Saskia,
    What fantastic news! We are thinking of you all. xxx
    from Darren, Ali, Georgia and Flynn

  10. Hi guys, hope all is well and you had a beautiful family weekend together xx

    Blades clan xox

  11. Hi Saskia,
    You might not remember me, we used to live in the same street and you were friends with my little sister. I am so sorry to hear that you are sick but you are very lucky that it is not as bad as it could be, thank God. It's great to hear that you are doing so well. Hold on and God will help you pull through, stay strong:)
    Best wishes.
    Maddy xx
