Tuesday 22 November 2011

Very good news!

And today we were told that Saskia's tumour is not amplified, which means that the likelihood of her getting any chemo therapy is very small. Yippedaddodah! Thank God for that! The doctors speak of an extremely rare situation. They went back through their records and only about 10 years ago they came across a similar situation. So once again they apologised for the earlier given scenario, but they just could not envisage such rare development. We mentioned that this is proof that God still works with miracles.
We were informed that tomorrow afternoon most of the tumour would be removed and that Saskia has to stay in hospital for the remainder of the week. However on our way home, the surgeon who was suppose to operate tomorrow called us and said that the operation was cancelled. After careful study of the size, shape and location of the tumour, they decided that it would be wise to have a special head and neck cancer specialist perform the operation. When the operation will take place is still to be decided. Hopefully tomorrow we get a few more details as to the reasons of this last minute cancellation.
Today was also the first day of her last test of which tomorrow the final one will be held. This test should confirm all other tests and conclude that the tumour in her neck is the only one.


  1. Great news! Here's hoping for more good news tomorrow after the last test. Prayers and thoughts are with you all. xx

    Hayley Lennon

  2. Amen!!!!divine mercy I put total Trust in You n Thank U so much for everything n for each n everyone for all their prayers for our grand daughter Saskia through her journey. God Bless!!!!!!

  3. Hi Saskia
    We have been praying everyday for your recovery and God has answered all our prayers and he will continue being there for you. Keep that positive and cheerful spirit of yours going. Love Girlie and family

  4. Dear Siskia, I Know God have been watching you & your family trough all of this. He is really Great!!! im soooo happy to hear the news! we all were praying hard for you!!I thank god for our answered prayer. to my Braveheart! love Godma!

  5. Dear Saskia it is great to hear that you're in no cause of danger and your final test is tomorrow! God is really watching over you. Hope everything is going to be okay from Connor.

  6. Thank God for no amplification! Very good news indeed.

    yours in Christ,


  7. The Samardzic family23 November 2011 at 16:51

    That's fantastic news! So great to hear, thinking of you all xx

  8. Wow! What wonderful news! Thank God for his ongoing Mercy & Blessings!! Hopefully you won't need to wait too long until the operation! Xx The Dunn family
