Thursday 17 November 2011

The Tests and some results

Saskia had done and has to do the following tests:

  • Blood tests (08.11.11)
  • Chest X-Ray (08.11.11)
  • Biopsy (11.11.11) - under total anaesthetics
  • Urine test and more blood tests (15.11.11)
  • CT Scan (16.11.11)
  • Kidney functionality test (GFR) and Bone Scan (17.11.11)
  • Bone Marrow Test (BMB - 18.11.11) - under total anaesthetics
  • Heart scan and hearing test (21.11.11)
  • MIBG Scan (22 & 23.11.11)
The blood tests were all good, so the initial scare of potential leukaemia is over.
The chest X-ray revealed that there is a potential other growth on the right side of her lower neck.
The biopsy confirmed that the tumour was neuroblastoma cancer. A further test on the tissue taken during the biopsy will show the so-called "n-myc amplification". If the tumour is n-myc amplified, it means that it is more aggressive and requires full scale treatment. This result will be in next week.
The CT scan showed some positive signs: the shadow which was thought to be another growth as per the X-ray, are enlarged blood veins (due to the tumour on the other side). For the rest there are no signs that the cancer has spread to her abdomen, kidneys, heart or lungs.
The kidney test and bone scan was performed today and results will be later this week. All other scans are still to be done.


  1. Thank God for the good results. I pray and fast for tomorrows test. Give Saskia an extra hug from me.

    yours in Christ,


  2. Saskia be strong! Godma is praying everyday for your full recovery God is with you trough all of this he is going to heal you! thinking of you always love Godma......

  3. Praise the LOrd for good results ,will continue to keep you in our prayers daily.You are such a brave girl Saskia ,and we know God will heal you and give you strengh,along with your parents and siblings who will comfort you.Always in our thoughta and prayers.Hugs And Kisses !! Naidu Family <3 <3

  4. Poor saskia you are so brave doing so many test and so strong. Im so glad you are passing all the tests with flying colours (your teachers would be so proud) We are all praying so much for you and all the family. Keep up the good work. Your such a beautiful, strong and brave girl were so proud of you. Lots and lots of love and strength sent your way xxx Love The Karayiannis family. xxx

  5. To Mel, Sikko and children,
    Managed to get your contact through George James.
    We've been shocked and sad by the news. Now we will definitely be thinking and praying for your lovely daughter and of course hoping that Saskia will see the happy ending of this difficult period of her life very soon.
    We are very sure that with the support of her wonderful parents and siblings things will be a little easier to cope with.
    Continue having hope just like how we will be doing too.
    All our LOVE. NoeLucia LioneLaura Sarlin from Lunas in France
